X Welcome from Beth Thompson


Welcome to Inspire Christian Writers,

Our goal is to help you discover your writing abilities and learn how to unleash them to impact the hearts of your readers. We've been helping writers do just that for over ten years.

Through Inspire you'll find a community of writers working together to achieve writing and publication goals. By taking advantage of our online and in-person critique groups, you'll give and receive feedback and grow in your craft. We offer web-based and local training through workshops and conferences to help you navigate publishing decisions, create your online presence and polish your writing until it shines. You'll have opportunities to network with other writers--multi-published as well as those just starting out.

If you're brand new and ready to connect, you are welcome to try out one of our critique groups to make sure we're a good fit for you. If you'd like to join today, visit our Membership page to take advantage of all our Membership Benefits.

Do you have questions about Inspire? Here are some we receive frequently, along with the answers. If your question is not listed below, be sure to visit our contact page and we'll get back to you right away.

What is Inspire?

Inspire Christian Writers is a group of writers at all levels, from a variety of genres, who've come together to share insights and skills. Our Mission Statement sums up all we do:

Inspire Christian Writers exists to provide a network of support, encouragement, education, and spiritual growth for Christian writers. Our writers minister biblical truths with excellence, clarity, and love, to transform lives and the publishing industry.

How does Inspire do that?

We meet locally and online in critique groups which provide ongoing training and encouragement for our writers.

We also provide training classes, workshops and conferences where writers learn everything from blogging to interviewing, from characterization to building a solid book proposal. All our training opportunities emphasize God's role in our writing journey.

Inspire members also provide tremendous marketing and promotional support as our members' books are launched.  

What if there is not a group in my area?

We have several new groups forming and would be happy to plug you into one, or help you start one in your area. Fill out the form on the Groups page and let us know you would like to connect with other writers and we'll get you started.

Do you have online groups?

Yes, lots of them! Stop by the Groups page to get plugged into one.

How do I join Inspire?

Join or renew here.

What does Inspire believe?

Check out our Statement of Faith.

How is Inspire governed?

Inspire Christian Writers is a non-profit entity and adheres to specific Bylaws, governed by a Board of Directors who meet monthly on behalf of our members to ensure we are doing all we can to help writers fulfill their goals.

Still have questions? You can submit your questions on our Contact page and we'll answer you right away. Thank you for your interest in Inspire Christian Writers. We look forward to serving you.

