
Bonnie Arbaugh

Bonnie Arbaugh

Bonnie is a teacher with a passion to reach the world with a message. It all began years ago, when her daughter, not yet two, came home from VBS saying her memory verse, “I love the Lord”. That inspired and encouraged her to bring VBS back to her church and to teach the Word of God to children through the many different learning styles. Now retired from teaching in a private Christian pre-school and music and art from the public school, she is on a mission to finally publish a lifetime of work, including -VBS curriculum, children’s musical’s, an abortion musical drama, children’s picture books, songs, Bible verses to color, Bible crafts and to revive her business (Christian Creation), now named Heart and Soul. Ah! So much to do and where to start.

She enjoys spending most of her time at home in Grass Valley with family and friends, especially at their lake in the summer. With eight grandchildren under the age of 7, three children, elderly parents, husband Ken and too many unfinished projects to name, Bonnie keeps very busy. She is very excited to have found Inspire Christian Writers. In all this she feels truly blessed by the Lord!