
Kathryn Mattingly

Kathryn Mattingly


Kathryn Mattingly has always had a passion for writing. Four of her short fiction pieces have received recognition for excellence and can be found in the themed anthologies: Writer's Digest Award Winning Stories, Mind Trips Unlimited, Beacons of Tomorrow, and Internationally Yours: Prize Winning Stories. Prior to signing a contract with Winter Goose Publishing her work appeared in 8 different anthologies, Dark Discoveries magazine, Leading Possibilities magazine and online at The Possibility Place.

Kathryn's debut novel, Benjamin, is available through all major booksellers and through Winter Goose Publishing. It was selected as a New Century Quarterly Finalist. Ms. Mattingly's short story collection, Fractured Hearts, includes her award winning fiction pieces and is also available through all major booksellers and WGP. Her second novel, Journey, will be out in 2015.

Kathryn is associate faculty for University of Phoenix at their Sacramento Valley campus where she teaches academic and creative writing, literature, and visual arts. She enjoys mentoring new writers, and is a reader/judge for the Pacific NW Writer's annual literary contest. Besides writing and educating, Kathryn is an avid reader, movie goer, people watcher, Starbucks fan, and wine taster who loves to entertain friends and family. Her writing is inspired by real-life events and places she has lived or traveled. She currently resides in Northern California.