
Kelly Madden

Kelly Madden

Kelly Madden is married, has two daughters and two granddaughters. She never thought of writing, or even considered herself a writer. But, while home schooling her daughters, she was unable to find a Bible study she felt would instill in them what the Lord was impressing on her heart.So, He gave her one to write! After three years, Getting God’s Perspective was finally completed in 1998. The study has been done by home schoolers, families as a devotional, and Christians throughout the US and overseas. It has been carried in CA, TX, TN and NC, in Christian bookstores and on online Christian family businesses.
In 1998, Kelly started a small, home business, His Word Publications, and not only self-published,Getting God’s Perspective (1998), but also a devotional, Talk With Jesus (2005). Both books were favorably reviewed in 2008 by The Writer’s Edge, with their review posted on their website, which allows the publishers access to read their review and contact the writer personally.
Since being saved in 1980, Kelly has taught Bible studies, spoken at retreats and workshops, and had numerous articles published in her church’s Women’s Ministry newsletter, Kindred Spirit.She is also proud to be a contributor for, Inspire Trust, Inspire Press – Spring 2012, and Inspire Faith – Spring 2013.

After home schooling her daughters for 12 years, she went back to school in 2005, becoming a Certified Medical Assistant. She works on-call for two ob/gyn doctors in Grass Valley.

Kelly is currently working on two more books, They Came to Know Their God, and, Bound By Fear, Freed By Love. Her heart’s desire is to know the Lord more intimately and share Him and His truth with others through the writings He gives her. “I am so grateful for the special and intimate writing times the Lord and I share together as He shows me what’s on His heart.”